I. Add Docusign Input
Navigate to the form that you want to add DocuSign to and click on the pages tab
Click on "Add Input" => "Docusign". A new DocuSign button will appear in the form builder.
For this to work, you must first add PDFs to your form:
If you already added your PDFs, skip to the next step.
Otherwise click on the PDFs tab near the top of the screen to be redirected to the PDFs page.
Click on the button at the top-right corner "Add PDF".
Choose a PDF file that you want to upload from your computer and give it a name.
If your DocuSign configuration needs multiple PDFs, repeat this process.
Click on the "Edit Input" button and the DocuSign editor window will pop up
II. Select PDFs
You will first be shown the "PDFS" tab of the DocuSign editor window
In the left-hand column, you should see a select dropdown with a list of PDFs that you can add. To add one, simply select it and click "ADD"
If you do not see the PDF you want to add, go back to Section I and add the PDF
Upon first adding a PDF, it will always be included with the DocuSign input.
If you only want that particular PDF to be shown upon a certain input being filled out, choose a specific input from the additional dropdown.
If you change your mind about a particular PDF, simply delete it by clicking the
icon next the card
Once you have added all your PDFs, click on the "SIGNERS" tab to continue
III. Add Signers
A signer is a user that interacts with the DocuSign interface, whether it be filling out information or giving a signature. Upon interacting with the DocuSign input, they are sent an email that links them to DocuSign
An in-session signer is a signer that is redirected to DocuSign to complete the form, and is redirected back to Prelim afterwards. You can only have ONE in-session signer per DocuSign configuration
In the left-hand column, click on the "ADD" button to add a signer
A signer configuration card will appear on the right-hand side. Give the signer a label, which will only be for internal use.
Select the inputs that signer's information will be based off of. The values of these inputs will be used to populate the name/email of the signer.
Similar to PDFs, you can also choose for the signer to be included only when a particular input is filled out by selecting an input from the "Should Include" dropdown
You can delete unwanted signers by clicking on the
Repeat until you have added sufficient signers. Proceed to the final section by clicking on the "SIGNER TABS" tab.
IV. Add Signer Tabs
A signer tab is an input that will appear when the user opens up the actual DocuSign interface. The types of tabs that you are able to add are described below